Is your agency ready to start the certification process? Please review our MS NIBRS Certification Checklist to ensure that your agency is ready to begin the process.
Mississippi will comply with version 2019.2 National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) Technical Specification and 2019.2. National Incident-Based Reporting System User Manual when certifying agencies. Please review the MS NIBRS Certification Process for an overview of the certification process.
**Mississippi does not require any state-specific information at this time.
Before starting the certification process, please use the MS NIBRS Certification Assessment to ensure that all of the required NIBRS codes and data elements can be found in your records management system (RMS).
Once your agency has reviewed the certification checklist and is ready to begin the certification process, please complete the MS NIBRS Certification Request Form and return it the MS NIBRS Division.